Sunday, May 19, 2019

The valve guides in the World Formula are worn out. We took the head to Craw's Racing. The place was spotless. You could eat off the floors. We'll be looking at the data once the head is back on. We'll be having some tune time at Mohegan Sun next Saturday. A huge thanks to Fred Craw.

I'll have to take some photos of all the cool stuff there.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

The 2019 season started. Ronnie is about 22% over weight for the FJA class. His driving is great, but being 377 in a 310 pound class makes it tough. He put himself on a diet program after his first event. Taking 4th at event #1 opened his eyes. Event #2 he took 3rd in class, and 8th fastest out of 104 drivers. As he drops the pounds, he'll pick up places.

This was his best run from event #1

This was his best run from event #2

A long awaited update Part 1

Hello everyone, it's been a busy past few months. in the time between posts a lot has happened. After going up to Mohegan Sun Arena for ...